Some Photos of Chuck in Eureka

Soon after moving back to Eureka, our mother got very active in the Jewish Community.  This consisted of only about 15 families but had a "Sunday school" and celebrated the important holidays.

This newspaper photo is from March 3rd, 1957.
Chuck was four years old.

Our neighborhood was a favorite for newspaper photographers wishing to get a story on an average American family.

This is when hula hoops were first a fad. sometime in the summer of 1958

Mom and Dad had friends Buddy and Norma Wallace.
Chuck and Susie Wallace were the same age.  They took tap dancing lessons together and in 1960 had a dance recital.

In June of 1960, the family gathered in Eureka to celebrate Mike's graduation from high school.

Chuck and Susie Wallace in the back yard.
Even at the age of 6, baseball was a passion.

The boys in 1960.  Mike's graduation was one of the few times
that warranted my wearing a suit.

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